Sunday, April 17, 2011

Aix Security Files and commands


nulladm /var/adm/wtmp To recreate/clear down the wtmp file.

groups Lists out the groups that the user is a member of
setgroups Shows user and process groups

chmod abcd (filename) Changes files/directory permissions

Where a is (4 SUID) + (2 SGID) + (1 SVTX)
b is (4 read) + (2 write) + (1 execute) permissions for owner
c is (4 read) + (2 write) + (1 execute) permissions for group
d is (4 read) + (2 write) + (1 execute) permissions for others

-rwxrwxrwx -rwxrwxrwx -rwxrwxrwx

Owner Group Others

-rwSrwxrwx = SUID -rwxrwSrwx = SGID drwxrwxrwt = SVTX

chown (new owner) (filename) Changes file/directory owners
chgrp (new group) (filename) Changes file/directory groups

chown (new owner).(new group) (filename) Do both !!!

umask Displays umask settings
umask abc Changes users umask settings

where ( 7 - a = new file read permissions)
( 7 - b = new file write permissions)
( 7 - c = new file execute permissions)

eg umask 022 = new file permissions of 755 = read write and execute for owner
read ----- and execute for group
read ----- and execute for other

mrgpwd > file.txt Creates a standard password file in file.txt

passwd Change current user password

pwdadm (username) Change a users password

pwdck -t ALL Verifies the correctness of local authentication

lsgroup ALL Lists all groups on the system
mkgroup (new group) Creates a group
chgroup (attribute) (group) Change a group attribute
rmgroup (group) Removes a group

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